Your support makes a huge difference to the lives of the young people that we work with and enables us to research, design, develop and roll-out Group Work and Group projects each year. Projects such as Make Me Smile, our primary school mental health awareness raising project have come about through the generous support of our fundraisers.
There are lots of ways you can get involved…
Click here to view our new ‘volunteering opportunities’
£25.00 Could enable us to source intervention activities to enhance our One-to-One support
£50.00 Could buy resources to initiate discussions and refletion on feelings
£120.00 Could buy a tablet to engage young people with learning apps in a safe way
The Big Give Christmas Challenge 2020
Thank you to everyone who supported our campaign.
We raised a fantastic £6,335!
Donations will help us to support young people like ‘T’.
‘T’ had fallen away from her education provision during the first lockdown due to her anxiety and the long break from school.
Since September, we have supported ‘T’ through a one-to-one intervention, to re-engage and build resilience to cope with new systems such as having her temperature taken and wearing a mask in the taxi to school.
Help us to support more young people through this campaign.
This year, our fundraisers have baked, run, cycled, shopped and donated their time and money to support One-Eighty.
If you would like to fundraise on our behalf, please get in touch at to find out about how you can setup a fundraising page on Just Giving, whether there are local events you can get involved in and other relevant information.
Charity of the Year
Perhaps you work for an organisation that holds ‘Charity of the Year’ nominations or hosts regular fundraising events for local charities. We would love to hear from you and would be more than happy to speak to your team/ organisation to tell them more about our work.
Corporate Partnerships
Corporate partnerships are very important to us. They enable us to achieve our aims for reaching more young people and turning more lives around. We work with local organisations to create partnerships that are mutually beneficial.
“Pamoja has been supporting One-Eighty since 2017. The charity's mission to improve the lives of local children and young people across the country truly resonates with our own objectives as we aim to leverage online learning solutions to improve pupils' experiences and contribute to their personal development. Our team has been so impressed by the initiatives One-Eighty have been able to carry out that we have recently made it our primary charity for all fundraising activities organised within Pamoja.”
£15.00 per month (£180.00) could buy resources to intiate discussions around feelings and emotions
£33.00 per month (£395.00) could pay for one young person to take part in our Summer Project
£40.00 per month (£480.00) could pay for one school to receive a Make Me Smile session
Give as You Live
Want to help us raise more - just by shopping online? Well now you can with Give as you Live!
When you shop at over 4,000 top stores including Amazon, Expedia and John Lewis via Give as you Live, they'll turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for our charity!
Simply sign up, search for the retailer and start shopping. It's that simple. And its free!
Our current #volunteervacancies are:
Fundraisers - would you be willing to take on a fundraising challenge - baking, running, walking, abseiling…?
Graphic design experience for social media and marketing
We have 2 Trustee vacancies. If you have Education experience in a leadership position, IT or Media experience, we would love to hear from you. For further information, please click here
We are also looking for a Clerk to the Trustees.
If you would like to find out more information, please drop us an email.