Make Me Smile
Since the Government’s green paper on ‘Transforming children and young people’s mental health,’ bookings are flooding in for Make Me Smile. We have already reached over 5679 children spreading mental health awareness throughout their schools and homes.
We have had such heart-warming feedback including......
FROM TEACHERS explaining how they have enjoyed watching their year 6 pupils become leaders in the school and how they have taken on the Mental Health Ambassador role with maturity and care.
One teacher quoted "I just wanted to let you know that last Wednesday afternoon, the Year 6s gave a brilliant presentation of Make Me Smile to the Year 3s. They were so gentle, kind and nurturing in their approach, they spoke clearly and they were brilliant at helping with the smiley faces."
Another quoted "It made the children reflect on their own mental health and that of others. The children were engaged and excited about the project. It was lovely to see year 6 pupils showing so much compassion and empathy towards the younger students."
FROM PARENTS discussing how their children have shared with them the strategies they have learnt and in some cases the parent leaflet has allowed communication to open up between the parents and school regarding Mental Health issues at home. These parents and young people have then been able to get the support they need to be able to cope with their everyday lives.
One parent quoted "my daughter has seen how worries anxiety and fear can affect you first hand, she has learnt a lot from you and enjoys using her own experience and what she has learnt to teach the younger children in the school, which in turn she has said she would like to do more to help other people". She goes on to say "you do an amazing job there is not a lot of awareness about mental health issues especially anxiety, worry and fear. Please keep up the amazing work".
FROM CHILDREN stating that over 80% of the children in the data recorded so far said that the project definitely helped them understand what worries are/mental health is and how they can talk to their friends/peers about it. 83% of those children said that after the project they had new ways to help themselves and others when they worried.
Mental health issues can affect a child's education and filter into aspects of their daily life and the project aims to not only talk about the negative side of mental health but promote the positive side and how to look after your emotional wellbeing too. The project is already starting to spread Mental Health awareness throughout Oxfordshire and our aim is to reach as many primary school children as we can throughout 2019.
To book your session or find out more about the project please contact us on or call us on 01865 236869 and speak to one of the team.