Transitions in education

School can be a disorienting and difficult time for many children, from struggling to make healthy friendships, finding the work too hard, or engaging in a continual cycle of misbehaving. All the more, transitioning between schools can be quite disruptive and nerve-wracking.

What if a child was just starting to make solid friendships?

Or is just starting to feel settled in their school?

What if they really like their teachers who they’ll greatly miss?

Whilst most children manage transitions successfully, some might panic and be fearful of the unknown…                                 

There are many ways to support a child changing schools. Here are some ideas to support those struggling with transitions in education.

1.      Encourage them to explore their thoughts and feelings about the new school, for example their worries and what they are looking forward to.

2.      Support them in gaining closure on their previous school, such as by saying proper goodbyes to teachers and friends and reflecting on their favourite memories and the things they will miss.

3.      Visit the new school with them e.g. the open day, induction events, looking through the school website.

4.      Plan out their journey to school with them. An idea would be to trial the transport and timings with them beforehand.

5.      Build connections by finding out if any of their friends or neighbours are also attending their new school.

6.      Explore with them how to approach new people and start conversations. Role-play could be useful!

7.      Are there any extracurricular activities your child could attend, to help meet new people?

8.      Help to build their confidence by praising them when you notice they are trying and doing well!

9.      Take the pressure off at home. Having a calm environment to come back to after an overwhelming day is valuable.

10.   Lastly, find out the key contacts at the new school, to contact if you have any worries or concerns.

Here at One-Eighty, we run a Transition Summer Project which helps young people maintain an educational focus for those at risk of losing momentum in their success during the summer holiday. This involves trips, 1:1 sessions and check-ins with the young person at the end of their summer term and beginning of the autumn term at their new school, to help support a smooth and supportive transition. This project is fully booked for 2023 – to find out more about making a referral in the future email

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