News flash: The Summer Project and Transitional Summer Project are now available online

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Please note: Referrals to our 2020 Summer Project and Transitional Summer Project are now closed

One-Eighty recognises that the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a lot of uncertainty for young people and their families this year. For this reason, we have been working hard to bring a flexible approach to our work enabling us to reach more young people despite the rapidly changing circumstances we find ourselves in.

Alongisde this, we are excited to announce we are also moving The Summer Project online - delivering the same outcomes as in previous years but with a flexible approach to how sessions and group activities are delivered. Incorporating Virtual Reality expeditions, we can enable young people to experience a group trip together safely. This, combined with video-conferencing software, which we have been using successfully throughout lockdown to deliver one-to-one sessions, means we are confident that we can deliver the same Summer Project experience for all young people, irrespective of their social distancing requirements.

We are also continuing to reach out to companies with the potential to offer physical trips in a safe and socially-distanced way. Any trips will be subject to the Government guidance at the time, as well as taking in to account individual and family circumstances.

We understand families may have a lot of questions regarding The Summer Project and Transitional Summer Project and have created a Frequently Asked Questions download outlining the most common queries we have recieved. We know that each family is experiencing lockdown in their own unique way and so if you still have questions about your child accessing The Summer Project or Transitional Summer Project, please email and a member of the team will get back to you.

To refer a young person to The Summer Project or Transitional Summer Project, please go to our referrals page here

Rebekah Sammut