Wellbeing for Education Return Training

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What is the ‘Wellbeing for Education Return’ Training?

Wellbeing for Education Return Training is a national training package designed for education staff; aimed at providing schools and colleges with support and tools to enable staff to respond to the emotional impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their pupils.

The expectation is that each school would nominate a lead individual to undertake the training who will then guide their school/college in developing a ‘whole school/ college approach’ to embed the specialist learning.

The Oxfordshire ‘Wellbeing for Education Return’ Training is developed and delivered in partnership with the NHS Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group, Oxfordshire County Council, Response, One-Eighty and Oxfordshire Youth.

What does the training consist of?

The ‘Wellbeing for Education Return’ training programme is free to all primary and secondary schools/colleges. It consists of two 1 ½ hour webinars which will be running as twilight sessions across two weeks in October/November 2020.

Developed by The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, the webinar training covered:

Webinar 1: Whole school/college approaches. Wellbeing and support of resilience building in the context of COVID-19.

Webinar 2: A focus for those who may need additional support, including signposting for people across the whole school/college community with one or more of; Loss, Bereavement, Grief, Anxiety, Low Mood, Stress, Trauma etc. in the context of COVID-19.

Everyone who attends the webinars will receive a certificate for CPD purposes which can be utilised as evidence in discussions with Ofsted about the wellbeing of their teachers and pupils.

It also provides additional support to schools and colleges, through online forum sessions available once a month from November to March providing COVID-19 mental health response tools in a small group setting.

What if I’ve missed the training?

The webinar training sessions were recorded, enabling those who were unable to attend but still wish to benefit from the training to do so.

To access the recorded webinars:

If you would like to access the recorded webinars, please send an email to the address wellbeingtraining@response.org.uk to instantly receive the information around how to access these training workshops.

Providing you have attended the webinars or undertaken the training by watching the videos, forum sessions continue to be available to book.

Feedback from previous workshops:

The overall feedback received from workshops that have already taken was very positive. Attendees appreciated the opportunity to share “a place to reflect on how we as a school are doing, how other schools are doing and how we can help each other.”

The majority of participants felt like they had left the webinar with useful resources and some “great ideas that can be implemented immediately.”

Asked what they liked best about the workshops, many attendees highlighted the holistic view on wellbeing in educational settings: “This course gave me a better understanding in how to support the whole school community: staff, parents and pupils.” The webinars also highlighted the importance of “looking at how the whole school community needs to be on board with supporting and promoting wellbeing.”

Many of the attendees would recommend the webinars to others working in the educational sector: “I didn’t find it too heavy and enjoyed the content as well as taking a lot from it. I think that all schools and colleges would benefit from such training, perhaps a more intensive version.”

Rebekah Sammut