World Kindness Day - 13th November, 2020

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World Kindness Day is all about promoting kindness to ourselves, others and the world. In a year where a pandemic has disrupted everyone’s lives to different extents, we have been coming up with all kinds of ideas about promoting self-care for the whole family and just making the world feel a bit brighter!

It may seem like the most basic of concepts, but take a step back and kindness is at the heart of all the positive things we aim for in our lives. There’s a reason we teach our toddlers to share toys and our teens to speak politely - kindness makes us all feel good!

Let’s talk the science of kindness; being kind doesn’t just improve our mental wellbeing but physical too. Acts of kindness are shown to affect the brain by stimulating production of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. Kind people also produce more serotonin, which is found in antidepressants and contributes to healing wounds and making you feel calm.

Need more reasons to be kind?

Compassionate people produce less cortisol, a stress hormone, and more DHEA - which slows down ageing!

Check our our top tips for family self-care and let us know on social media if you try them out or have kindness tips to share of your own. We love sharing positives in our team meeting each week and enjoy hearing yours too.

‘Remembers, there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end’ - Scott Adams.

Rebekah Sammut