Returning to school after lock-down: Educational games and play-based learning

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As your child returns to school, they may be worrying about the virus, the procedures that are in place in school to keep them safe, or concerns around friendships or getting back into the school routine.

However, busy you are, juggling being a parent, working from home and other priorities, try and create some spaces in your daily schedule to spend time with your child. Playing a game, going for a walk or baking something together create opportunities for conversations to flow naturally, with no pressure of a face-to-face conversation, enabling opportunities for them to talk about any worries they might have.

Last summer, the team came up with some educational games and play-based learning ideas that you can play with your child to help to settle them back into a learning mindset and enabling conversations to flow.

You can download the sheet below.


Rebekah Sammut