The Big Give Christmas Challenge - Supporting Learning in a Crisis: COVID-19

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The Big Give Christmas Challenge is a great way to give a festive gift to One-Eighty.

Starting at midday on Tuesday 1st December and for the following 7 days, all online donations up to £2,250 will be doubled. The challenge ends at midday on 8th December.

We need your help to raise £4,500 or more!

This will help us to support the increasing needs of young people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Young people like ‘L’ :

'L' is a young person in the care of the Local Authority. Referred with anger management needs, they often absconded from school as a result. They had been due to transition to a new school in April, but COVID-19 and lockdown affected that.

They made good progress with our sessions but sometimes found the online environment difficult to engage with and generally found lockdown hard. Using conflict resolution and CBT techniques, we supported them with their anger and conflict management, giving them strategies to use in the future. We also helped them to reduce the negative perceptions that they held about themselves and school.

Our support focused on their transition back to education and a new school. They engaged well at the start of term, making considerable progress. So much so, they successfully resolved a conflict situation with a teacher that would have normally resulted in them absconding, using the anger management strategies to resolve their difficulties.

They continue to make good progress and have built a strong relationship with this particular teacher and are starting to think about future academic pathways.

'L' is one of a large number of young people across Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire who are struggling. One-Eighty exists to support as many of them as we can to look to the future with renewed hope.

Can you help us to do more?

Donate to the Big Give during their Christmas Challenge Week and you could double our impact!

You can donate as an individual, a trust or a business - you just need to be able to make payment with a debit or credit card on the online Big Give website (accessed via the button above).

Every gift, big or small, will make a huge difference.


Rebekah Sammut